The commercials were everywhere. Klik op Instellingen beheren voor meer informatie en om uw keuzes te beheren. Lori Lightfoot's critics sound off on Chicago mayor losing re-election: 'Crime doesnt pay', Newsom declares war on environmentalists seeking to halt construction project, EPA director advises East Palestine children to stay out of creeks, streams amid Ohio train derailment fallout, West Virginia's 'religious freedom' bill heads to governor's desk after quick pass through legislature. Calvello noted that Fettermans team has been moving full speed ahead despite the senators hospitalization, opening a new office in Erie, Pa., last week. Joe Biden campaigned in Pennsylvania the weekend before the election, even as Fettermans team recommended against it, according to three people familiar with the conversations. Fetterman's absence raises stakes for Democrats in key Pennsylvania Senate race. That's a BIG deal for someone. And when exit polls were released on Election Day, more Pennsylvania voters rated abortion as their top issue than crime or inflation, and three out of four of those voters chose Fetterman. Lauren DeCicca / Getty Images; Justin Sullivan / Getty Images. Fetterman has suffered from depression off and on throughout his life, according to Adam Jentleson, the senators chief of staff, noting it had become more frequent. Several senators, including Durbin and Sen. Ben Ray Lujn (D-N.M.), said theyd sent Fetterman notes since he checked into the hospital earlier this month. In early June, a few weeks after his stroke, Fetterman got on a video chat with his communication director using closed captions, which enabled him to understand the conversation despite the auditory processing difficulties he had suffered. But on Thursday, Fettermans office took a more upfront approach, Glasser said. FILE: Sen. John Fetterman, D-Pa., leaves an intelligence briefing on the unknown aerial objects the U.S. military shot down this weekend at the Capitol in Washington, Feb. 14, 2023. His hospitalization comes after a rough year in which the 53 year-old suffered a stroke just ahead of the May primary election and spent much of the summer off the campaign trail, recovering. A spokesman for U.S. Sen. John Fetterman said Monday that there was "no real news to report" on the senator's ongoing voluntary hospital stay for treatment of clinical depression. And he continues to push himself in ways that people close to him worry are detrimental., What youre supposed to do to recover from this is do as little as possible, Fettermans chief of staff, Adam Jentleson, explained. Once a famously accessible politician, Fetterman also doesnt engage with reporters in the halls of the Capitol. where one extended absence could have derailed things. Barbara Eagleton praised Fetterman for getting help. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Maxwell "was handcuffed and slung into solitary confinement for 48 hours" after the interview aired, insider sources told the news outlet. News, Politics, Culture, and more in realtime. No update was released on the status of Gisele Fetterman, the senators wife, who last week noted on Twitter that she fled to Canada when her husband was hospitalized. Some Republicans argued then that he wasnt fit for office due to his post-stroke condition and debate performance. November 28, 2022 / 9:05 PM / AP. Bob Shrum, a speechwriter for the 1972 McGovern campaign, said its clear there has been a shift since the time when so many saw keeping Eagleton on a ballot as politically unsustainable.. GOP Sen. Tommy Tuberville of Alabama said in an interview that he hates whats going on with Fetterman and described the progressive as a good friend despite the difference in their ideologies. Fetterman's campaign said it spent about $1 million last year sending out fund-raising mailers. Navigation Governor Josh Shapiro Lt. We understand the intense interest in Johns status and especially appreciate the flood of well-wishes, Calvello said. We dont have a lot to update folks with since theres no real news to report except that John is doing well, working with the wonderful doctors, and remains on a path to recovery, Calvello said in a tweet Monday. He added: "We understand the intense interest in Johns status and especially appreciate the flood of well-wishes. By the time the election arrived, the Biden appearance appeared to have done more good than harm or perhaps voters decided that the man who doesnt look or talk like a typical politician is not Biden. editorial boards also called on him to release his medical records, when exit polls were released on Election Day. It was a very different, unenlightened world, Shrum said. Informatie over uw apparaat en internetverbinding, zoals uw IP-adres, Surf- en zoekactiviteit terwijl u gebruik maakt van websites en apps van Yahoo. And at first they did: Headline after headline marveled at Fettermans schoolboy antics trolling Oz on Twitter. Austin is proud to work alongside Josh to move Pennsylvania forward in Harrisburg. NBC had quoted what it said was a close senior aide as saying Fettermans stay was likely to be lengthy until doctors were certain they had achieved the correct dosage for the medicine Fetterman would be taking. HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) When John Fetterman goes to Washington in January as one of the Senate's new members, he'll bring along an irreverent style from . Its entirely unclear how long John Fetterman will stay out of the Senate. Last year, however, Fetterman romped in the primary and defeated Republican Mehmet Oz by 5 percentage points even as his health challenges dominated the general-election campaign after his May stroke. Its a basic connection that hes made to voters. He was released from the hospital two days later, and his office said that doctors had ruled out that he had suffered another stroke. Is the media fairly covering the senator's condition? The Morning Briefing: Lori Lightfoot Goes From Historic First to Historic Loser, We Need to Talk About Mark Levin's Interview With Ron DeSantis, MONDAY AT 3PM EASTERN: 'Five O'Clock Somewhere' with Kruiser, VodkaPundit - Replay Available, LOL: White House Official Shares Tweet From Biden Showered With His Daughter, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. His staff wanted former President Barack Obama to be the campaign closer who would appear alongside Fetterman in the races final days. ", FILE: Sen. John Fetterman, D-Pa., leaves an intelligence briefing on the unknown aerial objects the U.S. military shot down this weekend at the Capitol in Washington, Feb. 14, 2023. Photo by Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images. Eagleton, a Missouri Democrat and a vice-presidential nominee in 1972, had been hospitalized three times for depression and undergone electroshock therapy, a revelation that derailed his chance to serve in the White House. The comment was a reminder to Musk that he has a mutually beneficial relationship with China and a warning not to rock the boat. Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. Despite help from a closed captioning system, Fettermans speech was halting and hard to follow. We dont have a lot to update folks with since theres no real news to report except that John is doing well, working with the wonderful doctors, and remains on a path to recovery, said Fettermans communications director, Joe Calvello, in a statement. All rights reserved. Id rather have him here than not., Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) said that Fetterman is trying to take care of his health. He struggled during his lone debate against Republican Mehmet Oz, but still won his race by nearly five points. (RELATED: Sen. John Fetterman Hospitalized After Reportedly Feeling Lightheaded). ( Mark Pellin, Headline USA ) In the wake of allegations that stroke victim Sen. John Fetterman, D-Pa., recently hospitalized for depression, had been declared clinically brain-dead, the Senator's spokesman fueled . Governor Fetterman is well and shows strong commitment to maintaining good fitness and health practices. And why wasnt his team being more forthcoming about his medical history? 2023 FOX News Network, LLC. "I had a stroke. Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. A week before, Fetterman was taken to a Washington, D.C., hospital by staff after complaining of feeling lightheaded at a Senate Democratic retreat. However, as we have said this will be a weeks-long process and while we will be sure to keep folks updated as it progresses, this is all there is to give by way of an update, Calvellos update concluded. AP Photo/Matt Rourke. In his 13 years as mayor, John worked to rebuild his community, creating jobs, stopping gun violence, getting youth engaged, and bringing creative urban policy solutions to Braddock. Inside the risky bets, world-class trolling and bare-knuckled tactics that propelled the Democrat to victory. Now, doctors are treating Fetterman for depression at Walter Reed. Fetterman remains hospitalized at Walter Reed Medical Center as he undergoes treatment . If voters didnt like what was happening in the economy, Democrats were all but certain to take the blame. For decades, politicians said a 1972 presidential campaign served as a cautionary tale: Reveal your mental health struggles at your own risk. HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) Democrat John Fetterman posted a massive $11 million fundraising haul during the second quarter. HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) When John Fetterman goes to Washington in January as one of the Senate's new members, he'll bring along an irreverent style from . Senator John Fetterman on Thursday released the following statement, WASHINGTON, DCPennsylvania U.S. Now is the time to bring these solutions to the greater Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and Fetterman For US Senate is here to help make that happen. John Fetterman and wife Gisele arrive to vote in Braddock, Pa, Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2022. "Our team is moving full speed ahead and working tirelessly for the people of Pennsylvania. But this was one of the longest conversations he had with him since the health setback and, according to Calvello, it was all about inflation. Being told that Fetterman is essentially brain dead and its being hidden because keeping him in office until August 18th avoids a special election which Republicans would most certainly win. However, as we have said this will be a weeks-long process and while we will be sure to keep folks updated as it progresses, this is all there is to give by way of an update, he said. But Fetterman had to do something about the attacks. 1 week ago today when the news dropped, the kids were off from school and media trucks circled our home. Just weeks after being sworn into the Senate, the 53-year-old senator was hospitalized on Feb. 8 after feeling lightheaded during a Democratic Party retreat. U.S. Sen. John Fettermans office on Monday provided an update on his inpatient treatment for clinical depression but acknowledged that theres no real news on his situation. I dont know the whole story, but it looks to me like that could have been one part of the explanation, said Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas). Get the latest news delivered right to your email. If Fettermans health problems render him unfit to serve, Democratic Pennsylvania Gov. He is visiting with staff and family daily, and his staff are keeping him updated on Senate business and news, communications director Joe Calvello said in a statement posted to Twitter. Dad, husband to Gisele Fetterman, and Senator-Elect for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. We were talking about corporate greed, talking about price gouging, he said. PITTSBURGH John Fetterman, the 6-foot-8 lieutenant governor who won a blowout victory for the Democratic Senate nomination on Tuesday while he was in a hospital recovering from a stroke and . Joe Calvello, Fettermans director of communications, provided the positive update, but signaled that the freshman Democratic lawmaker wont be back on the Senate floor anytime soon. All rights reserved (About Us). We drove straight into Canada (and lovely Buffalo NY) (Pro Tip: always have passports ready just in case you have to run away ) We talked about lots of hard things and how we will all have to face hard things. Read our editorial standards. FILE - Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. Sen. Gary Peters, chair of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, said he spoke with Fetterman frequently throughout the race: And as I talked to him I could see him getting better., JB Poersch, president of the Democrats Senate Majority PAC, said that when he first learned of Fettermans stroke, he thought that instead of seeing Fetterman as unfit, voters could sympathize with his plight: Pennsylvanians would understand, he said, because weve got to deal with it in our own families.. Brendan McPhillips, Fettermans campaign manager, weighed the options with his team. Theyre afraid you wont be able to do your job, that youll be difficult to work with, afraid they cant count on you, she said. "Danny began the pilgrimage that would consume the remainder of his days -- pressing to know Jesus Christ and His death and resurrection.". By reinventing his Senate campaign after a stroke, Lt. Gov. I am not really sure how to navigate this journey but am figuring it out slowly. (AP Photo/J. Washington Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman is "doing well" and "remains on a path to recovery" as he continues to receive treatment for clinical depression, his office said Monday. However, this made little sense since, in Pennsylvania, vacancies in the U.S. Senate are filled by gubernatorial appointment. It is hard to believe she is not conscious of the political advantage of disposing of this issue up front now, early in the campaign, Marvin Kalb, head of the Joan Shorenstein media center at Harvard University, said at the time. Doc Oz, in his Gucci loafers, is attacking me on crime. We were all screaming, said Katz. While presidential nominee George McGovern initially declared that he was 1,000 percent behind his choice for vice president, he and other top Democrats eventually pressured Eagleton into withdrawing from the ticket. When Fetterman goes to Washington in January, one of the Senate's new members will bring along an irreverent style from Pennsylvania that extends from his own personal dress code super casual to hanging marijuana flags outside his current office in Pennsylvania's state . Should Fettermans wife have stayed with him? / PHOTO: AP. He was evaluated last week by Dr. Brian Monahan, the attending physician of Congress and checked himself in to be treated for symptoms of clinical depression, according to CBS. (AP Photo/J. Some commended her while noting that, in talking about it in a newspaper op-ed, she was able to disclose the information on her own terms. The medical team for the Democratic nominee in Pennsylvania's Senate race has not spoken about John Fetterman's prognosis . He was sworn in as a United States Senator to serve the people of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania on January 3, 2023. The Late Show with Stephen Colbert / YouTube screen shot. Four days before the primary back in May, Fetterman's campaign announced that he was in the hospital recovering from a stroke, and then underwent a procedure on Election Day to have a pacemaker. "Our campaign is running full speed ahead, we are organizing, we are up on TV, John and our team are 100. The chamber has no immediate plans to consider legislation that would require 60 votes to break a filibuster. Democrat John Fetterman was asked whether his position has changed on fracking, with the interviewer comparing past comments to recent comments. The fact that the Supreme Court ended the national right to an abortion also appeared to have boosted Fetterman. Doing so would mean tapping funds earmarked for the final weeks of the race robbing Peter to pay Paul and counting on outside groups to swoop in and spend more on commercials in October, at the moment when many voters would be making up their minds. And Democrats are OK with that. The next day, another hit: Fetterman stumbling through an answer about fracking, which not only highlighted that he had reversed his past position against the method of extracting natural gas that employs tens of thousands in Pennsylvania, but also showed him struggling to get out a complete sentence. We understand the intense interest in Johns status and especially appreciate the flood of well-wishes. John Fetterman (@JohnFetterman) May 7, 2022 Fetterman has serious street cred when he speaks about crummy job markets and regional inequalities that bog down many nonmetro communities.. 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Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. The condition, which can be hereditary, runs in his family. Thats changed, politicians say. In 2019, Rep. Seth Moulton (D-Mass.) Hes still got to work and hes still got to get to votes. Democratic Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman, who has been hospitalized with clinical depression, is on a path to recovery, his office said Monday. [Fetterman] has had to come to terms with the fact that he may have set himself back permanently by not taking the recommended amount of rest during the campaign. John Fetterman not only flipped a GOP-held seat blue, but he also upended Republicans hopes of a massive sweep of the Senate map and complicated their path to winning a majority. Instead, a newspapers reporting prompted the campaign to disclose it, he said. Scott Applewhite, File)AP. His speech was halting and labored as he sometimes mixed up words during the hearing, a remnant of his auditory processing problems following the stroke. John Fetterman has dedicated his life to fighting for Pennsylvanias forgotten communities. Fettermans public health problems began May 13 of last year, when he suffered a stroke during the closing days of Pennsylvanias Senate primary campaign, leaving him with hearing and other auditory processing issues that dogged him throughout his successful general election campaign against Republican Dr. Mehmet Oz. John Fetterman's campaign said Wednesday it raised more than $1 million in just three hours following the Democratic Senate candidate's debate with his Republican rival . Can be hereditary, runs in his Gucci loafers, is attacking me on.! A more upfront approach, Glasser said Feeling Lightheaded ) made to voters on Thursday, Fettermans office took more. With reporters in the races final days a filibuster least 15 minutes 1972... Undergoes treatment news delivered right to your email in key Pennsylvania Senate race his post-stroke condition and performance! 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